Deb Morgan Art Fund
We are dedicated to raising funds to create a large-scale community art project at Northwest Vista College to honor our dear friend, Dr. Deb Morgan, the visionary who helped create our college.
Dr. Deb Morgan began her career at NVC in 1997 as one of the creators of the College. As Dean, she created an entire college admissions department and named it as a permanent reflection of the College’s focus: Student Success. She built a team of individuals who dedicated their entire careers to help students succeed. Deb’s vision for our campus led to the creation of this beautiful, student-centered place. Then, as liaison between the architects, builders, and the College community, she guided us through the next building phase. At every crossroad, Deb kept us focused on our mission by asking, “How will this decision affect our students?”
As District Director of Strategic Initiatives and Performance Excellence, Deb’s talent for promoting the idea of continuous improvement was critical in the Alamo Colleges’ winning the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in 2018.
While her passing in 2018 due to pancreatic cancer was a heartbreaking loss to her friends, family, and the entire College community, her fierce spirit and love of life and learning will always be a part of this campus.
Our vision is to create a permanent work of art that will serve as a focal point for the campus, a gathering spot for the community, and a celebration of Deb Morgan’s life and commitment to students. Looking out over the lake around which our College is built, this “reflecting station" will create a confluence of nature, beauty, sharing, and learning. Our piece will invite students to gather, enjoy the view of our beautiful campus, and perhaps be inspired to design their own creations. |
Creating this sculpture will be community artist and NVC faculty member Diana Kersey. Her belief that successful public art projects help to strengthen communities and lower barriers means that students and the entire NVC community will play a vital role in this creation. Her work allows for immediate access, enhancing the environment in a way that everyone can enjoy. As a ceramics master, Kersey’s public work is widely known in San Antonio, and can be seen from the Five-Points Via Bus Station to the Houston Street Bridge downtown. Her pieces have been widely shown in festivals, galleries and museums throughout Texas. |